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Tuesday 31 December 2013

2014 风水和股市预测

我来自财务(资金管理)背景,并对风水学有浓厚的兴趣,所以我经常从风水的角度来分析金融界的事件。我总是感到很有趣,每年里昂证券举办的风水股市预测的演讲都深受投资者的关注。至我所知,里昂证券风水分析队是经过咨询某些香港风水专业人士有关该年风水的学问,然后将取到的风水学问配合他们的金融知识,而所作出预测。他们本身都是没有风水知识的。 当然做出来的预测不是每年都准确的,然而这似乎并没有使投资者对这门预测方法失去信心。处在竞争激烈的环境里,只要有任何事项能够提高投资者战胜的机,他们都不会错过。 当然我相信有多投资者只是把这套预测作为一种参考资料。   


在经济及金融方面,大至上的风水大师都是用该年的干支的五行来推测该年的运势。举例来说,2013年是一个水蛇年而蛇的五行属火,所以有水克火的象征。许多风水师就会推测金属的工业在2013年里会面对不良的运势。那是因为在风水五行生克原理,金是被火克的。 凡是是金属的行业(钢铁,矿山等)在2013年的前景都是不良的。直至今日,这个简单的分析还是相当准确的!

那么2012年呢?那是个水龙年(包含了水和土的五行)。由于土克水的原理,属水的行业(如运输或航空业)在2012年里极可能有不良好的表现。另外,火也会被水克, 所以行业属火(如能源和食品饮料行业)的运势也不会好。这个推断还算不错,因为在2012年里,属海运(水),航空(水)和能源(火)的股票的表现都是不佳的 ,只有属餐饮行业的股票享有强劲上涨。



简单地讲解这门风水:飞星风水把元运分开为三元九运,而每运占二十年,每六十年为一元,上元分有一,二,三运;中元分四,五,六运,下元分七,八,九运;三元九运共有一百八十年。上,中,下元运一百八十运年是永远不断的循环的。每一运还对应一颗星,九运就有九颗星。这九颗星都有不同的吉凶象征意义,也有不同的五行属性。每一门风水(包括飞星风水) 都会用到五行相生相克的原理。



运用飞星风水来推断金融或经济的事件并不是什么新的发现。每位飞星初学者都知道目前的期间 2004-2023)是属于八运的。 在八运里,飞星八号(称八白)是最旺的,五行属土,象征东北,儿童,山,手指,等。中国,蒙古,俄罗斯(东部),日本和韩国都是位于东北部的国家。在过去的十年里,中国和蒙古的经济增长得非常迅速,俄罗斯也逐渐开放起来,韩风更是热潮了起来。很多国家的房地产业也蒸蒸日上。即使是经济停滞接近二十年的日本,益于Abenomics也开始有经济恢复的迹象。中国和日本在政治上的相斗,北南韩的纠纷,和美国学童的无数杀戮,还有中国的独生子女政策也受到了全球媒体的关注。在飞星风水学上,这些种种事件都可以基于八白运星的影响。

深入了八运,七运的飞星(称七赤)的力量会渐渐减低,七赤运星所象征的事物也随着失去焦点。七赤星代表电信,恐怖主义,抢劫,等事物。恐怖主义见顶于2001年,过了20019月美国双塔袭击的事件后就没有什么大的恐怖袭击。包容许多电信级网络业属的股票的纳斯达克指数 Nasdaq)在2000年高达5000点,过后就没有回升到这高峰。



飞星风水除了运星还有年星。年星也是有九颗。从我的经验,利用运星和年星的组合所代表的事物来在经济或金融上作推断会提高预测的准确性。其实,过去几年发生的世界重大事件都可以从该年的运星和飞星来理解或预测。读者可参考我有关的写作:风水与2011年日本地震和海啸 (Feng Shui and Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011)风水与2011年阿拉伯之春 (Feng Shui and Arab Spring 2011) 风水与2010-2012年欧洲债务危机 (Feng Shui and European Debt Crisis 2010-2012)。从我的经验,用这套方法来推断经济,政治,甚至商品价格上的走势是相当准确的。至于股市的表现或水平, 其他的金融因素(例如:股市的估值,中央银行的货币政策,等)会比较重要。股市的最终表现是要看多方面的因素,尤其是美国联储局量化宽松的政策,对所有资产的价格是有庞大的影响力的。相比这些金融因素, 风水对股市的影响是属于次等的。虽言如此,我也有十多年的投资经验了,所以也算有这门的专长知识。我把这套知识配合了风水的学问作出以下的2014金融预测。






其次,新兴市场的股票(尤其是亚洲股票)优胜美股的机率会比今年(2013年)高。美股今年表现虽然尤佳,不过明年飞临美国的年星是五号星(称五黄). 五黄星在这门风水是第一凶星,象征了灾难,疾病,意外,等。面对着这颗大凶星,美国经济和股市极可能面对负面的影响。在过去几年里,美国的页岩气产的发展降低了能源的成本,使到制造业在美国有复兴的迹象。 我认为这个趋势在明年会面对一些故障。这些年来,有些环保专家都认为页岩气(或油)的生产是对环境有害的。如果明年页岩气产业明年出了意外,种种的环保顾虑会给这工业带来无数的麻烦,导致生产量缩退。美国的中石化公业可能将会处在于原料成本上涨的困境。虽然如此,美股市是否会下降还未清,因为五黄虽为凶星,不过它五行属土而因土生金的原理,也有增财的意味。(注:在飞星风水,美国位于西北,五行属金



至于亚洲股市,东北亚股市(大中国区,韩国和日本)极可能在2014年里有强势的上涨.  东北方在2014年见七赤星和二号运星(称二黑)交会。这星组也是土生金的组合,所以也有增财的意味。不过,这两颗星毕竟是凶星,所以虽有进财的意味,也有劫财和其他的负面。二黑和七赤星的组合除了是土生金的组合,也有化凶火的象征。然而东北方的原卦星为五行属土的八白吉星,这凶火也会因火生土的原理,增强这颗吉星, 所以不吉的象征也可能化为无害。

受到这星组的影响,东北方国家明年的运势会有大起大落的可能,先出现吉兆,后出凶兆, 然而凶兆过后,运势也会转平。因为七赤星为劫财和官非星, 所以明年中国和日本及北南韩两国的政治关系会面对更大的挑战。中国内部的政治也可能会出现瑕疵。这些政治问题极可能影响投资者对股市的信心,使到股市先大起后大跌 (恒生指数至少有起落一千点的幅度)。



欧洲市场在2014年里可能会表现得尤佳。这是因为年星9号(称九紫)来到了北方,和4号的运星(称四绿)交会。四绿和九紫的星组是相当吉利的, 可断定明年北欧的经济和股市表现应该不错。然而,这吉祥星组并不代表财,所以虽有吉兆,也没有强劲的增财迹象。不过,因为这星组有喜爱及暂合的象征,所以断定欧洲危机不会在明年再次发生。(注:南欧国家明年面对的星组是不吉利的,不过,这应该不会对北欧国家影响得太大)。比较美国,欧洲及亚洲股市,我只能有信心地断定在2014年里表现最差的股市应该是美国的股市。



第三,商品价格的走向会比今年好。随着全球经济的复苏,能源价格(原油和天然气)会有上涨的趋势。特别是天然气价格似乎已在2012年见底,并有可能在2014年有强劲的增长。虽言如此,商品当中表现最佳的应该是金属(贱金属和贵金属)。 在过去的几年里,这类的商品市场不佳,尤其是黄金和白银,在今年(2013年) 使许多投资者亏损了不少而对这类资产失去了信心。为何金属在2014年的表现会尤佳呢?



首先,北,西及东北方在2014年的星组都对这类资产有利,南方的星组也见吉利的星组。许多位于南,西和东北方的国家(特别是中国)都是是金属的主要生产国。 吉星到了那些方位会对那些国家的采矿业有助。特别是白银,除了会益于全球经济的复苏,也会得到吉星组合的支助,尤其是在东北方二黑和七赤的星组,还有西方一白和六白的星组。位于东北方的中国,及位于西方的墨西哥和秘鲁都是白银(和铜)重要的出产国。除此之外,钯金和铂金的表现应该也不错因为位于南方的南非是铂金的主要生产地,而且南方在2014年里见三碧和八白的吉星组合。



铜和银的价格是息息相关的。由于中国也是铜的第二大生产国家,铜也会得到二黑和七赤星组的支助。讲到铜,也该讲到智利。位于西南方的智利是铜的最大生产国。在八运里,西南方和东北方是容易受到地震的。(请参阅风水与2011日本的地震和海啸 Feng Shui and Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011)。在2014里,西南方见到年星一白星和运星五黄的星组。这个星组有地震,海啸或水灾的象征,所以智利,阿根廷和其他西南方的国家在2014年里可能会面对这些灾难。除此之外,2015年西南方的星组也有火灾(如旱寨,火山爆发)和地震的象征。还有2016年的星组主要也包含了地震的象征。相比之下,2015年和2016年发生自然灾难的机率会比2014年来得高。 总之,在未来三年中,西南方发生重大的地震,水灾,火灾或海啸的机率是非常高的。这些灾难对铜的生产会产生严重的障碍。对投资者来说,这是不可忽视的。







谈到金融也不免提起债卷和货币。这两类的投资都属于阳性的。明年的管星,四绿是阴性的,所以阳性的资产投资表现不会很好。 因此,美国债券,美元和其他发达市场的债卷和货币在2014年不会是好的投资。 我认为新兴国家的货币在2014年里将会有大的反弹。


7      3

3      8

5     1
6      2
8      4
1     6
2     7
4     9 
9     5
左- 运星; 中- 原星 右 - 年星




  (2)  股市方面,美国股市的表现会落于欧洲和亚洲股市。东北亚洲的股市表现会出现大起大落的 现象。

( (3)  在商品方面,金属和农务商品会脱颖而出。尤以白银和铜的表现最好。黄金触底反弹,不过 表现会落于白银或铜。铂和钯的表现虽不如白银或铜,不过也有优良的表现。在农务商品方面,表现最强劲应该会是谷物,咖啡,棉花和糖。

(4(4) 发达市场债券及货币不太可能在2014年表现良好。
读者想要有更深的风水理解可参看有关的网页:风水与日本的地球和海啸2011Feng Shui and Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011)与 风水和新加坡 (Feng Shui and Singapore)    


PS: 请参看 2015 中国股市预测 Feng Shui and China Stock Market 2015

PS: 如果你喜歡這張文章,請你百度分享或facebook喜歡它。謝謝!:)

Feng Shui and Stock Market 2014 Forecast

Coming from a financial (fund management) background and having a strong interest in Feng Shui, it is natural that I have often looked at the financial events of this world from the perspective of Feng Shui.  I am always amazed that the annual CLSA Feng Shui event is always well attended by investors.  The forecast made by the CLSA Feng Shui team is usually made in consultation with a number of Feng Shui professionals in Hong Kong.  The forecast has a mixed record but that has not stopped CLSA from continuing holding the event or investors from paying attention to the forecast.  Rightly or wrongly, investors will turn to anything that will give them an edge to outperform the market.

Use of Element of Yearly’s Horoscope to forecast financial events

Most Feng Shui Masters tend to forecast economic or financial events based on the elements associated with the horoscope of the Year.  For instance, the year 2013 is a water snake year and snake's ruling element is fire.  Thus, the year 2013 is marked by the presence of water and fire.  Most Feng Shui practitioners will then base their predictions on financial and economic events in 2013 based on these two elements.  For instance, any industry which belongs to metal element is not expected to do well since metal is destroyed by fire and water erodes metal.  Based on this analysis, most Feng Shui Masters will predict that any industry which deals with metal (steel, mining, etc) will do badly in year 2013.  Well, so far, this simple analysis is quite accurate at this time of writing!

How about year 2012?  It is a water dragon year (symbolized by water and earth).  Since earth destroys water, an industry belonging to water element (e.g shipping or airlines) is not likely to perform well.  Also, fire is an undesirable element in year 2012 because water destroys fire.  Thus, any industry belonging to fire element such as Energy and Food & Beverage is not expected to perform well.  For the record, shipping (water), airlines (water) and energy (fire) stocks did fare badly last year while most consumable staples like Food & Beverage (fire) stocks enjoyed a strong run-up. 

Forecast based on an analysis of the elements associated with the ruling horoscope in any year is reliable to a certain degree.   Since no forecasting method is perfect, one cannot get too critical on this approach.  Nevertheless, from my experience, applying the Flying Star Feng Shui tends to yield more reliable forecast, whether used in conjunction with or in place of the above Feng Shui forecasting method based solely on the element of the ruling horoscope in a year.

Flying Star Feng Shui in Brief

In Flying Star Feng Shui, there are nine stars and each star symbolises a variety of objects, events, direction, colour, etc.  Each era (180 years) is divided into nine 20-year periods and each period is governed by a Ruling Star, with the period number named after the number of the Ruling Star. For instance, the 20-year period 2004-2023 is considered Period 8 and the Ruling Star during the period is Star No 8.  Each star also an Element (Fire, Water, Earth, Metal or Wood) associated with it.  The five Elements (and its productive and destructive cycles) are the building blocks of every branch of Feng Shui and are also used in many Chinese arts such as Fortune-telling, Chinese Medicine, Qigong, Horoscope, etc.  It should be pointed out that the transition from one period to another is a gradual and revolving one, not a sudden change.  For instance, as we move close closer towards year 2023, the Ruling Star No 8 will slowly fade into background (and things associated with Period 8 will gradually lose its colour) while Star No 9 will gradually gain its influence.


Application of Flying Star Feng Shui in finance and stock market forecast

The application of Flying Star Feng Shui in financial or economic field is nothing new.  Even a novice in Flying Star Feng Shui knows that the current Period 8 is ruled by Star No 8 which symbolises Child, Mountain, Fingers/Toes among other things and is associated with the Earth Element.  Given that Period 8 commenced in year 2004, the major economic events which unfold in the new millennium should not surprise anyone with basic knowledge of this school of Feng Shui.  The rise of China (a northeastern nation), the fad associated with South Korean culture, the numerous killings of U.S. school children, the boom in real estate (which belongs to the Earth element) in most countries, and to a lesser extent, the strong performance of the Philippine economy (located in East-NorthEast region), etc are evidence of the effects of Ruling Star No 8.  The strong debate (and media publicity) on one-child policy in China and Singapore, the debate and concerns surrounding the low fertility rates are yet more examples of influence of the Ruling Star No 8.  (In China and Singapore, where one-child family is common, more parents are even engaging a private investigator to track their children).        

Mongolia is experiencing strong double-digit economic growth due to China while Russia (eastern part of Russia fall within Northeast) is benefiting from strong oil prices and undergoing transformative political changes which are helping to attract increasing amount of foreign investment.  Even Japan, an economy which has been in stagnation for almost decades is making some kind of a recovery thanks to Abenomics.  Meanwhile, for good or for bad, the publicity on North Korea has never been greater after the change in leadership in this communist country.  The geopolitical conflict between Japan and China over the East China Sea,   between the two Korean countries and between China and the Philippines over the South China Sea have dominated headlines in recent years from time to time. 

In Flying Star Feng Shui, Period 8 has superceded Period 7 and events (or things) associated with Period 7 such as telecommunication, terrorism, robbery, etc will lose its prominence in this period.  Terrorism peaked in 2001 marked by the September 2011 attack on the Twin Towers.  The loss of economic momentum in many Western countries and the bust in dotcom and TNT stocks since 2000 is yet another phenomenon due to the change from Period 7 to 8. 


Using Annual Flying Star to forecast annual financial events

On a deeper level, Flying Star Feng Shui can be applied to forecast yearly economic or financial events using the interaction of period stars with annual stars.  From my experience, applying this annual Flying Star Feng Shui method yields even more accurate (specific) forecast than a forecast made from an analysis of the elements associated with the ruling horoscope of any given year.  The performance of stock markets depends on various factors and in particular, the monetary policy of central banks. Nonetheless, other factors like economic, political or acts of gods play a major part as well. From my experience, Flying Star Feng Shui has a good record of forecasting such events. Indeed, several major events which occurred in the last few years can be explained by Flying Star Feng Shui (Please see Feng Shui and Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011, Feng Shui and Arab Spring 2011 and Feng Shui and European Debt Crisis (Eurozone Crisis 2010-2012).  Combining my financial and Feng Shui knowledge, I shall now attempt to make my financial forecast for 2014.


Decade-long property boom peaking

First, the real estate boom many countries are experiencing is likely to face strong headwinds.  Why?  This is because the Ruling Annual Star in 2014 is No 4.  This Star belongs to the Wood Element and since Wood Destroys Earth (Element of Period Star 8), there is a good chance that real estate stocks and REITs might suffer from the negative effects.  My view is that as bond yields continue to go up due to perceived or actual tapering of bond purchases by the U.S. Fed, investors will shun these two sectors.  Physical property prices in most countries are already at multi-year high and it is likely that most of the real estate boom most countries enjoyed in the past several years will come to a peak in 2014.


Emerging market equities outperform US equities

Second, emerging market equities (especially Asian equities) are likely to outperform U.S. stocks.  After a strong performance in 2013, U.S. stocks are likely to take a backseat.  The annual flying star visiting Northwest (where U.S. is situated) is the inauspicious Star No 5.  Since this inauspicious star is mostly negative, U.S. economy and stocks are likely to underperform most of the other regions.  U.S. economy has enjoyed some revival due to increasing shale gas production lowering energy costs for manufacturing firms in the U.S.  This has led to some claim that U.S. will be able to achieve U.S. energy independence by end of this decade.  I suspect this claim to be put to test this year as there is a likelihood of some accident involving shale gas or oil production.  It is possible that the accident might give credence to the environmental concerns surrounding shale production.  Shale production (oil and gas) is likely to disappoint this year.  After enjoying the benefit of cheap feedstock for last few years, petrochemical companies in U.S. are likely to face strong challenges this year as shale production disappoints and cost of feedstock rises.  While the economy and certain industries (especially energy-related industries) are likely to disappoint, it is not all that bad for U.S. stocks because the Earth Element of the Star No 5 is favourable to the Metal Element of the Star No 6 (Earth produces Metal).  In Feng Shui, when there is interaction of Earth and Metal Elements, there will be some wealth. (In Flying Star Feng Shui, U.S. is associated with Star No 6 because of its Northwest location).


Asian equities performance to be highly volatile

As for Asian equities, North Asian markets (Greater China, Korea, and Japan) are likely to enjoy a strong upside, at least initially.  The Flying Stars present in Northeast in 2014 are Period Star No 2, Annual Star No 7 and Original Star No 8. This is an interesting combination.  The Earth and Metal Elements of the former two stars guarantee some kind of wealth but since both stars are regarded as inauspicious, it is likely that any wealth that is made will be subsequently lost (robbed - Star No 7 represents robbery).  The combination is also an inauspicious Fire Element, but since "Fire" enhances the Earth Element of the highly auspicious Star No 8, the final outcome might yet be neutral.  My interpretation is that these stock markets are likely to enjoy a quick, sudden but powerful rally (indices are likely to go up by double-digit in a short span of time).  However, most of the gains will be eroded away upon a global stock market correction or due to concerns on internal Chinese politics or heightened geopolitical tensions between China and Japan (or between North and South Korea).   Political conflict (internal or external) in that region is likely to be heightened next year due to the presence of Star No 7.  If there is no major financial crisis (unlikely next year), the returns are likely to be positive.  The magnitude will, of course, depend on the pace of U.S. Fed tapering of bond purchases.  Regardless of Feng Shui, quantitative easing affects the absolute price level of all assets. 


European equities to perform steadily well

As for the European markets, they are likely to do well due to the presence of the auspicious Star No 9 visiting the North (most of European countries are located in North) where the Period Star No 4 is present.  Stars No 4 and 9 is an auspicious combination (unlike the combination of 2 and 7) and the combination produces metal which in turn strengthens the Water Element of the North.  While this is a productive cycle of element interaction, the positivity is not wealth-related unlike the star combination that North Asia enjoys.  My suspicion is that European markets are likely to do even better than most Asian stock markets though I cannot be sure.  However, it is my strong conviction that both markets are likely to outperform U.S. stocks in 2014.


Commodities to regain investors' favour

Third, commodity prices are likely to perform better this year, compared to last year.  Energy prices (crude oil and natural gas) are likely to average higher in 2014 as the global economy recovers.  In particular, natural gas prices appeared to have bottomed out in 2012 and are likely to enjoy a strong surge in 2014.  However, energy is unlikely to be the strongest performer within the commodity sector in 2014 as they will be outshined by the metals (base and precious metals).  In the last few years, most metal prices have taken a bad hit and this year (2013) witnessed a rout in gold and silver that left many investors still feeling the pain.  Why am I so bullish on the metals in 2014?


Gold bottomed in 2013 and silver to outperform strongly in 2014

First, the South, North, West and Northeast regions have auspicious combinations of Stars present in 2014.  As many countries in the South, West and Northeast (notably China) are major producers of metals, the positive influence of these stars are likely to beneficial to the metals.  Within the previous metals segment, silver is likely to be the best performer. As global economy recovers, demand for these silver will outweigh the demand for gold.  From Feng Shui perspective, the Star No 2 and No 7 combination in the Northeast (where China is the largest gold producer and second largest producer of silver) is more beneficial for silver than gold.  In the South where South Africa is a major platinum and gold producer, the auspicious Star No 8 will bring great wealth to the countries located there.  The most auspicious combination is, however, Stars No 1 and No 6 in the West.  Many countries located in this region, Mexico and Peru to name a few, are major producers of silver and copper.                     


Copper could benefit from natural disaster in Chile

Copper tends to do well in an improving economy and correlates very well with silver.  As China is also the second-largest largest producer of copper, copper will also be a beneficiary of the Star Nos 2 and No 7 combination.  Chile (located in the Southwest) is the biggest producing country of copper.  However, Chile might not be able to benefit as much from the strong copper price. In current Period 8, this country is very vulnerable to earthquakes (please see Feng Shui and Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011).  In 2014, Star No 1 will visit Southwest. The clash between Earth and Water Element brings up the possibility of an Earthquake and/or Tsunami, similar to what happened in Japan in 2011.  Of course, it doesn't mean that a similar disaster will definitely befall Chile (or Argentina) in 2014.  Feng Shui is not perfect when applied prospectively.  Moreover, in 2015 (please see my posting on Feng Shui and Stock Market 2015), the chances of these countries experiencing a fire and/or earth disaster (such drought, volcano eruption and earthquake) are even higher than in 2014.  And in 2016, the probability of a major earthquake is equally high.  Thus if Chile were to avoid another earthquake/tsunami in 2014, the chances of a natural disaster dominating headlines happening in the next two years are extremely high.  This means that investors betting on a major disruption of copper production in Chile over next three years have odds heavily on their side. 


Soft commodities to perform well

The outlook for soft commodities (particularly coffee, grains, and sugar) is also favourable. Columbia, Venezuela and parts of Brazil are located in West and are likely to benefit from the stronger soft commodity prices in 2014 as a result of the highly auspicious Stars No 1 and No 6 combination.  Moreover, the Earth and Water combination in Southwest (Argentina, Chile and southern Brazil) introduces the possibility of a major flood in the region.  If a major flood happens, crop production is likely to be adversely affected.  Argentina and Brazil are major producers of grains, especially soybeans.  My suspicion is that a major flood might inflict Brazil or Argentina, leading to a run-up in soybean prices.  Soybean oil is likely outperform other edible oil like palm oil.

Cocoa, coffee, cotton and sugar are commodities that are likely to perform well in 2014.  As the European economy continues to recover, demand for cocoa is likely to be strong.  Cotton will benefit from China's economic pickup as well as the Wood Element of Star No 4. Coffee and sugar will have a run-up if there is a flood disrupting production in Brazil.                        


US bonds likely to underperform; Emerging market currencies to shine

I also need to mention fixed income and currencies as matter of completeness.  Fixed income and currencies are considered the most "paper" (Yang) of all paper assets.  In a year when hard assets (Yin) dominates, they are unlikely to do well.  Therefore, U.S. bonds and developed market currencies (especially the U.S.) are unlikely to have a good year.  Currencies that will do well in 2014 are mostly the Latin American currencies and the South African Rand.   


7      3
3      8

5     1
6      2
8      4

1     6

2     7
4     9 

9     5

L:Period Star; Ctr - Original Star; R- Annual Star



In summary, my 2014 forecast based on Flying Star Feng Shui is as follows:

(1) Real estate boom is several countries are unlikely to perform as well as in previous years.  REITs might continue to underperform within stocks.
(2) Within equities, U.S. stocks are likely to be main underperformers.  European and North Asian stocks will fare better.
(3) Within commodities, metals and soft commodities stood out.  Metals such as silver and copper are likely to be the strongest performer.  Gold bottomed out this year (2013) but will likely be a laggard in 2014.  Soft commodities will be strong performers as well, with soybeans, coffee, cotton and sugar among the better performers.     
(4) Developed market bonds and currencies are unlikely to perform well in 2014.

For those readers who are interested in the technical aspects of Feng Shui or want to have a better understanding of the rationale behind the analysis and forecast, you might want to visit the more relevant pages of my blog: Feng Shui and Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011 and Feng Shui and Singapore.    

I wish all readers a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2014!

Update: (1) For Feng Shui Stock Market 2015 Forecast, please refer to Feng Shui and Stock Market 2015
              (2) For Feng Shui and China Stock Market 2015, please refer to Feng Shui and China Stock Market 2015.

              (3) For industries or sectors which will do well in 2014, please refer to Feng Shui and Stock Market 2014 - Part II.

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Monday 30 December 2013

Feng Shui and Arab Spring 2011

In 2011, the centre of Nine Palace grid (please see Flying Star 2011 Chart in Feng Shui and Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011) is occupied by Star No 7 which is of the metal element and symbolizes violence and robbery (including loss of wealth).  In Feng Shui, this "metal" star symbolises a sword (made of metal) and thus represent war and violence.  In this modern age, political upheavals, streets' demonstrations, employees' strikes, office politics, family fights, legal entanglement, and robbery fall under the symbolism of this inauspicious star.    

In 2011, the Middle East, North Africa and Southern Europe are likely to feel the negative effects of this troublesome star.  Thus, it is no surprise that the Middle East experienced great political upheaval.   The negative influence of Star No 7 is made worse by the presence of the Period Star No 8 and Original Star No 5 in the Luo Shu Chart (please see chart in Feng Shui and Singapore).  Both Star No 8 and No 5 belong to the Earth Element.  Even though Star No 8 is deemed to be the most auspicious star in the current period, the Earth element of this star only served to strengthen the metal element of Star No 7 (Earth produces Metal).  

What is remarkable about this Arab Spring is that most Middle East and Northern African countries (Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, etc) got embroiled but the neighbouring countries like South Africa and Madagascar (countries which are further from centre part of the world) were relatively unscathed.  Within Europe, Southern European countries like Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy (which arguably fall under the centre part of the world) also saw some pretty strong demonstrations by their people due to their unhappiness over the unemployment situation and fiscal austerity measures imposed by their governments.  That brings me to my next topic: Feng Shui and European Debt Crisis (Eurozone Crisis) 2010-2012.             

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Feng Shui and European Debt Crisis (Eurozone Crisis) 2010-2012

I am always hesitant to apply Feng Shui to something that is as financial as European Debt Crisis (Eurozone Crisis).  After all, a sovereign debt crisis is really a man-made crisis and factors causing a financial crisis are diverse.  But since Feng Shui does affect human behaviour (emotion), and financial crisis is also partly a result of wild swing in human emotion, there is a rationale behind using Feng Shui to explain a financial phenomenon.  

The sovereign debt crisis first surfaced in late 2010 when Dubai, an Emirate State, announced that it is unable to pay its debt.  The crisis then spread to Greece and Portugal.  At the height of the crisis in 2011, countries like Ireland, Spain and Italy also experienced a run in their sovereign bonds which saw their bond yields threatening to stratospheric levels before the ECB intervened to stabilize the markets.  The crisis effectively came to a halt (temporary?) after a positive outcome in Greece's election in June 2002 and ECB governor Mario Draghi made a verbal threat "to do whatever it takes" to stabilize the euro.  So how can Flying Star Feng Shui explain this financial crisis?
As mentioned in my piece on Feng Shui and Arab Spring 2011, several Southern European nations like Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy saw political unrest resulting from the Sovereign Debt Crisis. In Flying Star Feng Shui, this is caused by the interaction of the annual Star No 7 (which represents violence and political upheavals) with annual Star No 5 and 8.  Northern European countries such as France and Germany are relatively unaffected by the crisis.    

As a financial investor, I am struck (and puzzled) by several fine points in this episode which would not have evaded the attention of most sophisticated investors.  The thing that stands out for me is that unlike their Southern counterparts, Northern European countries such as France and Germany were relatively unaffected by the crisis.   

In Flying Star Feng Shui, the geographic location of these countries lie outside the centre grid where the Star No 5, 7 and 8 are present in 2011.  Thus, these countries were not adversely affected by the negative effects from the interaction of these stars.  Hence, they did not suffer the same fate as their Southern counterparts.  

The flying stars which inflicted the North in 2011 were Star No 1, 3 and 4.  Star No 3 represents legal entanglement, dispute, stress, loss of wealth (quite similar to Star No 3 except there is no violence).  Thus, France, Germany and other Northern European countries have to lend financial support to their Southern counterparts, representing loss of wealth.  These countries came under heavy stress as well and there were a lot of dispute and political fight between them arising from the crisis.  However, they did not experience that kind of strikes or demonstrations or major upheavals in governments that their Southern counterparts face (represented by Star No 7).    

It is true that France and Germany's financial woes were less severe than their Southern counterparts.  However, France also has high public debt while Spain's public debt were not really high until their banks needed a government bailout.  Notably, Spain's financial system was relatively unscathed from the Great Financial Crisis in 2008.  So why were Spain so badly affected by the crisis while France was not?  Spain did have a much higher budget deficit than France but Italy has a smaller budget deficit (it actually runs a primary budget surplus) and yet was affected badly as well.  The current account positions of these countries also could not fully explain the difference in fate faced by these countries as Germany is the only major country in the Eurozone that runs a current account surplus in 2011.  

Is it a coincidence that Spain and Italy fall within the central Grid while France does not?  It is also interesting to note that both United Kingdom and United States also run nearly as high a budget deficit as Spain and current account deficits and yet both countries were also relatively unaffected.  Is the fact that both countries have their own currency a sufficient reason?  Or is it because there is also a Feng Shui factor in it?  Till today, I am not entirely convinced by the explanation given by the investment community.  I suspect we will see a further episode on this crisis, perhaps with Japan involved in it as well. 

(As a side note, U.S. enjoyed a safe haven status in 2011 as investors sought refuge in U.S. treasuries.  In Flying Star Feng Shui, Annual Star No 8 visited NorthWest (where U.S. is located) and thus U.S. benefited from this auspicious star in 2011). 

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Sunday 29 December 2013

Feng Shui and Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011

In March 2011, Japan was hit by a twin disaster, an Earthquake followed by a Tsunami which knocked down a nuclear plant in Fukushima.  The Earthquake was of a magnitude 9.0 and was the most powerful Earthquake ever to have hit Japan.  The Earthquake triggered a powerful Tsunami which swept up to 10km inland, causing severe structural damage and great human tragedy.       

Here I attempt to explain this great natural disaster from the perspective of Flying Star Feng Shui.






Period 8 Flying Star Chart

Noticed that in current Period 8, the Northeast sector is ruled by the star No 2.  Star No 2 is an inauspicious earth star, symbolising health problems and loneliness.  Thus, even though in Period 8, the Northeast sector enjoys the positive effects of Ruling Star No 8, it also has to live with the negative effect from this inauspicious star. In 2011 (from early Feb 2011), the Northeast sector is also occupied by the annual Star No 1 (as seen below).  






2011 Flying Star Chart

Therefore, it can be said that there are three stars which visit or reside in the Northeast sector in year 2011 - Original Star No 8 (please see Feng Shui and Singapore for the Luo Shu chart), Period Star No 2, and Annual Star No 1.  The interaction of the three stars can help to explain the Earthquake and Tsunami that hit Japan (a Northeastern country). 

Both Star No 8 and No 2 are earth stars, i.e. they belong to the Earth element.  Star No 1 belongs to Water element.  In period 8, the Northeast Sector is besieged by two stars - Star No 8 and Star No 2 both of which are earth stars.  Thus, in Period 8, the earth element in Northeast Sector is very strong.  Moreover, Star No 2 is an inauspicious star.  When this inauspicious star of earth element interacts with another earth Star, there is potential for some natural disaster of the Earth element.  Of course, this means that in Period 8 (2004-2023), Japan (or any Northeastern country) is vulnerable to earthquakes.  For those who can recall, China (Szechuan) also experienced a big Earthquake in May 2008 (under the influence of Flying Stars No 2, 4 and 8).  There was no big Tsunami then due to lack of Water Element (Star No 1).      

In 2011, when annual Star No 1 visited Northeast Sector, the water element comes into play.  As Earth destroys Water, its means that there could also be some disaster of the Water Element.  So, we have Star No 2 interacting with Star No 8, causing an Earthquake (Earth Element disaster) and then star No 1 interacting with both stars causing a Tsunami (a Water Element disaster).  As it turns out, Japan was first hit by an Earthquake which then triggered a Tsunami.  Of course, the powerful Earthquake also knocked down a nuclear plant and the company owning the nuclear plant poured huge amounts of water (Star No 1) to cool down the reactors.  Polluted water from these reactors flowed down to the ocean, polluting the ocean and sea animals and there were a lot of health concerns on the safety of the water.  This is really the result of Star no 2 (representing illness) interacting with Star No 1 (representing water).  It is rare that the application of Feng Shui can be that precise in its prediction or explanation but in this instance, it seems to be able to do just that!
(NB: In current Period 8, the Central (an area covering Middle East, North Africa, Southern Europe), Southwest and Northeast regions are particular prone to Earthquakes due to presence of inauspicious earth stars such as Star 2 and Star No 5).  Thus, countries such as Chile (a country located within Southwest) experienced a big Earthquake in 2010 because Annual Star No 5 interacted with Period Star No 5 and Original Star No 2 - three inauspicious earth stars falling within the Southwest in 2010. Moreover, in 2010, the Southwest region is also a Sui Po area, a Sar Qi which amplifies the negative influence of the three inauspicious stars.)            

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